The findings show that the backward linkage effect of iron and steel industry on ferrous metal industry in china is pronounced than the relative effect in other seven countries; 研究结果显示,我国钢铁产业对黑色金属矿采选业后向直接关联效应明显高于其它七国;
Backward Linkage of FDI, Financial Development and Intellectual Property Protection: Evidence from Electronic and Telecommunications Equipments Sector in China FDI的后向联系效应、金融发展与知识产权保护&以中国电子及通讯设备制造业为例
However, higher export orientation has opposite effect as to backward linkage and forward linkage. 然而,企业的出口倾向对前后向联系的作用相反。
The results show that the role of backward linkages of tourism in Yunnan Province are stronger than the forward linkage effects, and the internal correlation is not obvious; 研究结果表明,云南省旅游业后向关联作用明显强于前向关联作用,且内部关联作用不明显;
The results reveal that the forward and backward linkage bars have close relationship with the geometric character of support. 结果表明,支架前后连杆受力与支架的几何特征密切相关;
Backward linkages from foreign affiliates to local firms are the key factor for the host country to attract FDI while the availability and quality of the local suppliers plus the cost determine an effective linkage. 从外国子公司到本国企业的后向联系是东道国提高吸引外资效率的关键;而本国供应商的可得性、成本与质量是决定有效联系的基本要素。
There are three channels that can produce spillover effects: first, the front and backward linkage of multinational corporations and enterprises in host countries; 产生技术溢出效应的主要渠道是:①跨国公司与东道国企业的前后向关联;
Through relying on emerging industries with the establishment of backward linkage, Suzhou, Ningbo and Wuxi would benefit from industrial gathering. 苏州、宁波和无锡可以依靠新兴产业建立后向联系,进而催生产业聚集。
Backward linkage promotes the all-personnel labor productivity of domestic firms, while forward linkage has negative effect. 后向关联促进了纺织业内资企业的全员劳动生产率提高,前向关联则对纺织业内资企业全员劳动生率的影响是负的。